Harshh Dutt

ood afternoon sir following are the honest feelings of mine for your website. Sir ATM setup is so wonderful that words can’t do justice with it thanks for giving me the key to my future, Sir I will be forever in your debt Sir with this setup encouragement too comes from a teacher like you, that always helped me not only being a trader but as a person too, sir thanks a lot for being my teacher and teaching me this powerful setup LIFE CHANGING SETUP Sir please rename ATM to LIFE CHANGING PROGRAMME ATM just don’t give financial independency but also shapes a person to be disciplined and patient Never seen a course which graduate you in 2-3 hours and make you able to make good money immediately, Sir I never thought ‘m lucky till I met you and learned this method. ATM Rocks Sir believe me I would be the biggest fan of yours Sir I wish I live in Mumbai so that I can come and touch your feet every possible day Sir this all are the feelings comes from my heart for you and your setup at different point of time. I am very grateful to you for this setup. With this I can stand independent and grow with your experience and guidance. Sir always seeks blessings from you 

ATM Trading Method

ATM means Any Time Money

Trading & Analysis are two different things…Trading is only about Making Money and Nothing else

ATM is a Rule based Intraday Trading Method and your judgement is not required

ATM Card Method does not require any special Software or any special Indicators or any prior Technical knowledge

My ATM Graduates make money with ease on the very 1st day of Trading and they trade on Indices, Stocks, Options, Commodities, Currency, US & UK markets as well, its like if you learn to drive a car then you can drive any car anywhere in the world but you have to learn

Trading has to learnt or you will lose…that is for sure…either TRAIN yourself or Lose…you have no choice…Formal Education gives you Employment ...Self Education makes you a Fortune

Video Workshop spaced over 7- Days in short Modules for reinforced learning

If Education is Expense…Try Ignorance


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I make Money with ease

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Siddharth Dutt

A small Real story of a contractor (Bribe Man ) to an independent trader. A year ago on this day (28 October). I meet you in your house. There you teach me ATM method for 1-1.5hrs. After all this when we all students were leaving leaving I told you sir today is my birthday and I need your blessings and touched your feet & you blessed me beautifully with one statement that if you start some thing good in your birthday your star changes and I would like to say sir you were absolutely right. My stars are changing day by day and I am very happy that I am your student and I cant express my feelings with words.you made me an independent man. Your ATM setup is not only for making money but its a superb setup from which any one can stand in his life. Thanks alot for this ATM which changed my life. Need your blessings ( touching your feet ) always sir and today is special as its my birthday. thanks for this sir